How Much Salt Do I Need For My Swimming Pool

How Much Salt Do I Need For My Swimming Pool?

Customers always ask us, How Much Salt Do I Need For My Swimming Pool? This article will help you learn how much salt to add to your salt water pool.

Target Salinity

Salt water chlorinators like our Hayward Salt and Swim Chlorination System or our Exell salt systems offer unparalleled comfort and convenience, all while saving you money. But how much salt should you add to your pool to keep your system running efficiently? Ideally, you should aim for your above ground or inground pool to have approximately 3,200 ppm (parts per million). Simply bring a sample of your pool water to a local professional and they can tell you the quality of your water, allowing you to adjust accordingly.

Salt Quality

You should keep in mind that the salt you use in your pool is important. Always use salt meant for a chlorination system as it’s typically a higher purity of sodium chloride, as well as being the right texture for dissolving evenly and quickly. Never use products like rock salt, it’s not as pure and can leave undissolved solids at the bottom of your pool. We carry AquaSalt to take the guesswork out of maintenance.

Salt Requirements by Pool Size

Size (Gallons)Pounds of Salt40 lb. Bags

How to Add Salt to Your  Swimming Pool

Step 1 – Test

The first step is to assess your pool water’s status. This can be easily accomplished by taking your pool water to a local professional. Again, you should be looking for somewhere around 3,200 parts per million. This should be done even with newly unsalted water, as it’s entirely common to find that your water may not register 0 salinity.

Step 2 – Distribute

Pool salt is very pure, so you can do this with your hands if desired. When putting the salt into your pool, broadcast in wide sweeping motions to ensure the greatest surface area, which means the quickest dissolve time. Dumping all of your salt in one place means it’ll pile up, resulting in less surface contact with the water. Remember that it’s easier to add more, if incorrect, than to reduce your salt levels.

Step 3 – Brush

After putting the salt into the water, occasionally brush the pool floor to encourage circulation and quicker dissolving. This is especially important for above ground pools, as it’s rare for them to have a bottom return. Without a bottom return, it takes longer for the salt to naturally circulate.

Step 4 – Wait

We recommend running your filter for 24-48 hours, ensuring that all salt has thoroughly dissolved throughout the system. After waiting, it’s typically a good idea to test your water again for accuracy. If more salt is needed, simply repeat these steps until you’ve reached the correct salinity.

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